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InsideOut client: Alexis Alecia, returns and conquers 9,000+ ft of climbing at B2VT ride!

Caroline Kavanagh | June 20, 2023

Alexis Alecia conquering the mountainous terrain at this year's B2VT ride. The B2VT Ride, though epic, is not for everyone. It is one of the most challenging bike rides in New England and if you sign up, you are expected to finish within the allotted time frame. There is no sag wagon service to the finish, you must finish on your own except under extreme circumstances (medical emergency).

Last year for Alexis, the last big climbs at the end of the ride, "The Burner" and "Big Bear" tested his fitness... and the mountains won.

Not this year! Here's a dose of Alexis's recap which will give you an indication of the brutishness of the ride. As well as the sweet thrill of victory that came with his extraordinary feat.

B2VT (Bedford MA to Straton Mountain VT) ride elevation - 142 miles and 9,000+ feet of climbing.

............ Miles 83-113 "Put on dry socks and gloves. (It poured hard before the ride started so I had to put on a rain jacket and winter shoe covers!). From here on it was stop and go to take off and put on rain jacket and check brakes.

At this point my group was down to 6-7 riders and some were already struggling. We merged with another group. I was cruising in the back until the downhills (I love freewheeling downhills). I blew past the whole group and caught up with another further down the road and cruised in the back for several miles.

Now raining with some hail.

One of the riders from my group caught up with me. The group we were with had stopped due to a mechanical problem so we rode a few miles together and joined another group to the next stop. Good section to recover as the downhills were long and the hill grade was steady but manageable.

Miles 113-132 Again stop and go to take off and put on rain jacket. At this point my group was down to 4 riders. We decided to ease the pace as some were struggling. Dropped the group on a downhill and finished this section alone.

Miles 132-142 Ahhh... the last 10 grueling miles.

Group decided to climb at their own pace. We stayed together for the first few miles. I did not chase and managed the best I could. The first 7.2 miles were fine and felt easier than last year.

Stopped for a quick rest before the monstrous last climb. Pushed ahead at an easy pace with a nod to the middle section close to the spot where I had to stop last year. I caught my breath, dug deep and pressed on to finish the climb with a big sense of accomplishment and a smile to the end!

NO WALKING this time. I finally beat "The Burner" and "Big Bear!" ...............

Alexis was faster this year than last and let me know that he felt terrific and was elated with his performance.

Absolutely a victory. Not only did he conquer the mountains but he withstood the brutal weather conditions. Come rain, hail, hills and any other curve in the road, this year's B2VT was mission accomplished for Alexis.

He showed up at the start line well prepared with fueling strategy and many miles of hill training in his legs. Loads of practice in these training rides with his nutrition plan dialed in and tweaked. No surprises.

This ride for Alexis is just his "warm up"..... his focused event is a two day race in August. He is surely in a position for a break out performance.

Congratulations Alexis!


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